Minecraft’s release of the 1.19 update brought a plethora of new and exciting features, including the adorable addition of frogs! While these amphibians may seem docile and unassuming, they do have specific dietary needs. If you want to take care of your frogs in Minecraft, it’s important to discover what they eat. Knowing what do frogs eat in Minecraft can help you ensure they are healthy and strong, and can also help you use their abilities to your advantage.

What Do Frogs Eat in Minecraft?

Frogs in Minecraft are primarily insectivores, feeding on small, unsuspecting creatures. In the world of Minecraft, their chosen prey consists of:

  • Small Slimes: These diminutive green blobs spawn naturally in swamps and are the most common food source for frogs.
  • Small Magma Cubes: Though less frequent than small slimes, these fiery creatures offer a unique benefit when consumed by frogs.

How Frogs Eat in Minecraft

Feeding Frenzy: How Frogs Eat in Minecraft

Frogs do not require manual feeding in Minecraft. They possess a keen sense of smell and will actively track down their prey. Once a small slime or magma cube comes within range, the frog will quickly extend its tongue and devour it whole.

Breeding Frogs: The Role of Food

Besides providing sustenance, food plays a vital role in breeding frogs in Minecraft. When a player feeds a slimeball to two adult frogs, they enter “love mode” and have a chance to spawn a baby tadpole.

The Fascinating Case of Magma Cubes and Froglights

When a frog consumes a small magma cube, it undergoes a temporary transformation, glowing with the color of the cube it just ate. This glowing effect is not merely aesthetic; it allows the frog to lay a special block called a Froglight.

There are three types of Froglights, each corresponding to the color of the magma cube the frog consumed:

  • Ochre Froglight: From orange magma cubes.
  • Pearlescent Froglight: From white magma cubes.
  • Verdant Froglight: From green magma cubes.

Froglights emit a faint light and can be used as unique decorative elements in your Minecraft builds.

Additional Food Facts About Minecraft Frogs

Additional Food Facts About Minecraft Frogs

Here are some additional interesting facts about frog food behavior in Minecraft:

  • Food Preferences: While both small slimes and magma cubes are part of their diet, frogs seem to prefer slimes. This is likely due to their abundance in swamp environments.
  • Passive Eating: Unlike wolves or cats, frogs will not attack or chase their prey. They rely on their camouflage and opportunistic feeding strategies.
  • No Hunger System: Unlike other mobs in Minecraft, frogs do not have a hunger system. They simply eat as needed to survive and reproduce.


  1. Can I feed anything else to frogs?

No, frogs in Minecraft can only eat small slimes, small magma cubes, and slimeballs. They will not be attracted to or eat any other food items.

  1. How do I find small slimes and magma cubes?

Small slimes spawn naturally in swamp biomes, while small magma cubes are more rare and can occasionally be found in the Nether.

  1. How many slimeballs do I need to breed frogs?

Each frog requires one slimeball to enter “love mode” and attempt breeding.

  1. How long does it take for a frog to lay a Froglight?

After consuming a small magma cube, a frog will take approximately 10 minutes to lay a corresponding Froglight.

  1. Can I farm Froglights?

Yes, by breeding and feeding frogs, you can create a sustainable Froglight farm, providing a unique and decorative light source for your Minecraft world.

Last Words

Understanding what frogs eat in Minecraft is essential for players who want to interact with these adorable amphibians. To embark on the adventurous journey of creating a boat in Minecraft, begin by gathering the essential materials and crafting them skillfully; and, in the midst of your exploration, don’t forget to interact with the charming frogs inhabiting the pixelated world—by providing them with their preferred food, you can keep them healthy, breed them, and even utilize their unique ability to create mesmerizing Froglights. So, the next time you encounter a frog in Minecraft, be sure to have a few slimeballs on hand to fuel their fascinating behaviors!