How Much Maintenance Does A Website Require?
Just like a car, a washing machine or any other long-term investment, websites require regular maintenance to keep them functioning at optimal levels. Without it, a site can eventually begin to break down and become unusable. Fortunately, if you’re proactive with your website maintenance costs, you can avoid expensive repair bills and instead reduce website downtime.
Website maintenance is the process of checking and fixing software, inspecting design and functionality, optimising performance and reviewing security to prevent hacks or other issues. While the specific tasks involved in website maintenance depend on the type of site, there are some recurring costs that all sites need to budget for.
Domain renewal, web hosting, software and SSL certificates are recurring expenses that you need to factor into your website maintenance budget. Depending on the web hosting provider or website builder, these fees can be monthly or annual. For help from a Web designer Exeter, contact
Content reviews are an important part of website maintenance that can include things like checking for outdated content, testing logins and making sure all links work correctly. Reviewing content can help ensure your content is accurate, engaging and aligned with your business goals.
Dedicated premium support is an option for some web designers and developers that can add an additional layer of protection to your site’s security. These services usually cost and can include firewalls, malware scanners and brute force protection to help you protect your site from hackers.
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