A clogged drain is something every homeowner dreads. Fear not if you are experiencing the undeniable signs of a drain blockage, as we will take a look at what you need to do to fix the situation.

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The first trick is to try using a plunger. Don’t ram it up and down, as you could make the problem worse; instead, create a seal by gently pressing the plunger downwards and pulling it back sharply. With luck, this will fix the blockage. If the problem is more heavy-duty, you might want to try a closet auger. This is a more specialist tool.

Different techniques

For lavatory sink clogs, you can also try the plunger technique whilst holding a cloth across the air vent to take advantage of the hydraulics. If this doesn’t work, try a wire drain snake.

It is also important to cover the overflow when you are trying to clear a drain in the shower.

With all these techniques, remember to clean the plug of any obvious blockages before you begin to try to sort out the drainage problem.

Get specialist help

If these techniques don’t work, it is time to call in the specialists. Companies such as www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/sewer-repairs-drain-lining-concrete-cutting/drain-repairs/drain-repairs-oldbury will be able to do everything from drain repairs to drain lining Oldbury.

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It is often helpful to get a professional in to fix your drainage woes, although more basic issues can be remedied with the basic plunger. The best approach is to try to minimise the risk of inevitable blockages in the first place by being very careful about what you put down the sink and regularly unblocking plugholes; for example, use a fat trap in the kitchen to prevent solidifying fats from going down the sink and building up in the drain, use a hair trap in the shower to prevent hair from building up in the pipes and causing a clog, and be very careful to never flush wipes, nappies or other solid products down the toilet. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to drains.